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Anchored at the North Tip of Australia – Click on the second picture below !

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Pacific, finally.

Easy arrived in Panama City. Thank you, Jan, for your wonderful company. We created a lot of lasting memories!

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Sunset on Bonaire

Thank you for the photo, Zach!

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Evening Phone Talk with Kirsten

This is my daily chat with Kirsten via Whatsapp.

I made this photo during our call and sent it per E-Mail to this website. It was converted and published automatically as a post. Pretty cool, huh? Took me two days and two nights on the laptop tho get this running, including an ssl-certificate and a thorough renovation of this website.

From now on I will need just an access to E-Mail to post on this blog. This will be nice for keeping you informed during bluewater passages.

Btw, the constant rolling of Easy at the mooring in Bonaire is driving me mad 🙁   This has been going on for two weeks now.

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Donkey Sanctuary

Merle and me took our truck to visit the donkey sanctuary south of the airport on Bonaire. Some 800 donkeys live there. We absolute loved these nice animals. There are many hundred donkeys living wild on the island, too. Those live in the constant danger of getting run over by cars and trucks. Regularly, injured donkeys get admitted to the sanctuary.

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At the Mooring on Bonaire

I uploaded this photo while talking to Merle on the phone. It was taken during the same day, at the mooring on Bonaire.

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Flamingos on Bonaire

These photos weres taken by Merle on one of our trips to the south tip of Bonaire. Can you see the flamingos next to the sunset?

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Still on Bonaire

Hey, I am still on Bonaire.
The towel got blown away one day and we could never find it again. I dived the reef up to a depth of 30 m and just could not find it again. It must have drifted to the sandy bottom at 40 m which is located in front of the reef. So, no coral was harmed.