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The Quietest Anchorage

Good morning from the quietest anchorage so far. Just some birds in the mangroves. Nothing else. No one around. Just a tiny blue dragonfly. And those flies. Flies just love me.

2 replies on “The Quietest Anchorage”

Hallo lieber Ulli, ich denke immer zwischendurch an Dich und freue mich für Dich. Du erlebst tolle Sachen und hast eine gute Zeit, das ist richtig, richtig toll. Uns geht es gut hier in good old Ostholstein, wir genießen die Natur und vor allem die Abgeschiedenheit. Mit Städten können Meike und ich nicht mehr viel anfangen. Also, keep me informed, ich finde das alles sehr spannend.

Hi Uli
I was not accepted in Hell Ville, Nosi Be, Madagascar, because I did not receive a reply from Madagascar Ministry. I was granted a day to resupply and fuel yesterday and are now on the way along coast of Mada untill wind picks upi to go over to Nacala, Mozambique, 4 to 6 days. It does not need pre authorisation as far as a I can find . Another place to go would be Mayotte, about 2 days. You would go to yacht club there to help check in, read noonsite. Hope I did not cause any problems. Romeo was the Dinghy Manager in Hell Ville. He helps to do the check in. Also got me a Sim card I am now using along the coast, going at about O to 2 knots waiting for wind using Windyty

Hope you are well
Please send me your email, I could have told you earlier via radio email.
Anyway, good luck

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